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on December 16, 2011 at 10:54:58 am

This page contains information about resources available for use in Information Literacy training. Please add your own resources, reviews and recommendations to share.


SMILE is an online Information Literacy training package which was created as part of the JISC RePRODUCE programme project managed by Katy Wrathall, in a collaborative project between University of Worcester, Loughborough University and Imperial College London. It has been expanded by Glasgow Caledonian University and now includes units covering Learning styles, Understanding the Question, Information Management, Gathering Information, Finding Information (including database searching), Evaluating Information, Managing Information, Plagiarism, Harvard and Numerical referencing, Communicating Information, and Your Digital footprint. SMILE can also be used as a stand-alone package or as part of a blended learning approach. It can be downloaded for reuse and repurposing HERE.


Cardiff University developed a Handbook for Information Literacy Teaching in 2005. It is regularly updated and is available for download from HERE.


Sarah Oxford (Academic Liaison Librarian for Education at University of Worcester) has created a set of resources including lesson plans, scenario work, directed study tasks and  presentation which she has agreed can be repurposed and reused with the proviso that any sources are correctly credited (e.g. Sarah herself, Cardiff ILRB and University of Southampton). Sarah has provided an overview of the sessions as follows.


These materials are used with face-to-face teaching and are backed up by two
Pebblepad sites, created by Sarah with thanks to various sources referenced on
each site, which are available at http://tinyurl.com/2cdgpus, and

The structure of the teaching programme for these first-year (level 4) Primary
Initial Teacher Education (PITE) students is:

Week 4 (Induction week): one hour session introducing students to the websites
available to them (specifically http://ednetwork.mixxt.com and
www.netvibes.com/ednetwork). Also provide information on how to access a
specific journal article which tutors need them to find and read, in order to
participate in a seminar later that week. I also give them the directed study
task (scenarios) for week 5, and ask them to complete a survey audit so that I
know a bit more about their background and the areas where they need more
support (referencing, plagiarism, searching for and using information). I use
Surveymonkey for this.

Week 5: two hour session on referencing and plagiarism. Includes the citing and
referencing activity, and practical activity where they are given actual
sources and a Harvard guide so that they can create the references from
scratch. Discussion and feedback on week 4's directed study (scenarios).
Further directed study tasks is given at the end of the session (as attached).

Week 6: two hour session on defining a topic, keyword selection, identification
of resources and evaluation. Examples of activities are in the powerpoint.
Directed study is reading (attached).

Week 7: Two hour session based in PC lab. Not much talking from me - students
get an activity sheet which takes them through recommended resources (including
e-books, journal databases). Focus is on them to find their own way; I give
them a quick demo where needed. Usually find that peer learning takes place and
is really valuable. I offer individual support where needed. No powerpoint."



They are available for download from this folder . Sarah reused some materials from the Cardiff Information Literacy Resource Bank and 





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