
Using ANCIL as a skills audit tool: response to ancillary questions

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on December 14, 2011 at 10:23:38 am

Using ANCIL as a skills audit tool: response to ancillary questions

37 people completed the survey, 30 by online response and 7 by interview. The responses broke down as follows:


Who "owns" the Information Literacy support and teaching

Whilst the majority of those who answered the question (21) named the library professionals (18),  the academics were also identified as owners (1), everyone in the University including students (1)and in Student Services or equivalent(1).


Who do you think should?

There was a wide range of responses, incuding:

  • ·      Librarians (2)
  • ·      Strategic level  (PVC or DVC) (4)
  • ·      Collaborative partnership across University (1)
  • ·      Librarians and academics (1)
  • ·      Ownership is a flawed concept (1)


How should the new Curriculum be delivered?

There were 12 responses to this question, 8 stating that it should be embedded within the full extent of a course, 2 stated it should be in a single  mandatory module, 2 by a blended learning module, and only 1 stating that the Library should deliver via workshops.

Could it be delivered collaboratively?

Who would be on your side?

Who might get in your way or need further convincing?

What other challenges might you face?

 What would you need to support you when implementing the curriculum? E.g. resources?

 Who are the top three people to get on side in your organization?



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